Can You Freeze Peanut Butter?

Can You Freeze Peanut Butter?

Have you ever made a large batch of peanut butter only to find that you can’t possibly consume it all before it goes bad?

Now the common question is: Can you freeze peanut butter? 

Yes, you can freeze peanut butter. But since it has a long shelf life, you usually only need to do so if you buy it in bulk, manufacture your own at home, or just seldom consume it. Pure peanut butter shouldn’t lose any of its flavour or texture when frozen.

It is possible to freeze peanut butter, whether homemade or purchased from a store, for up to six months without experiencing any loss in quality.

I discuss my findings from freezing peanut butter in this article. In addition, I provide you with detailed guidelines to guarantee that your peanut butter freezes equally well.

Why Would You Freeze Peanut Butter?

There are several justifications for thinking about freezing peanut butter. For extended shelf life, freezing is not necessary for the majority of regular peanut butters. But instead of using peanut butter in a dish, you might like to freeze it for a treat. You might come to love it as a new snack. 

A few years ago, an internet trick went viral, suggesting that you freeze peanut butter after spreading it out on parchment paper. This will make adding peanut butter to your peanut butter and jelly sandwich easier and prevent you from breaking the bread.

But some peanut butters, like homemade peanut butter, don’t contain stabilizers and don’t keep as long as a jar of Jif, Skippy, or Peter Pan.

How to Freeze Peanut Butter

A tasty and creamy snack that is high in protein is peanut butter. You can prepare it at yourself or purchase it from a store. It can be creamy or crunchy.

It often has an incredibly extended shelf life. Especially if it’s unopened and not entirely natural and was purchased from a store. On the other hand, homemade or store-bought natural peanut butter has a somewhat shorter shelf life.

Consider freezing peanut butter in bulk if you wish to freeze an entire jar or a batch of homemade peanut butter and you know you’ll use it up soon when it defrosts. It’s freezing process is almost similar to freezing Cottage Cheese.

  • Put your peanut butter in a freezer bag or an airtight container that is safe to keep in the freezer.
  • Put the lid on the container if you’re using an airtight one. You can also place a layer of plastic wrap between the peanut butter and the lid for an additional layer of security. Press out any extra air from the freezer bag before zipping it closed.
  • Make sure the freezer bag or container has the date written on the outside.
  • Place the container or freezer bag inside the freezer.

Alternative Options

Some other ways to freeze peanut butter are provided here.

Freeze in Ice cubes

If you plan to use the peanut butter in smoothies or you want it in ready-to-use portions then spoon the peanut butter into an ice-cube tray and freeze it in that.

After about 2-3 hours the cubes will be frozen solid and you can transfer them into a bigger airtight container for long-term storage.

The cubes will begin to melt almost instantly, so move quickly while doing this. 

Freeze with Slices

A few years ago, frozen nut butter slices were extremely popular on social media. Most people believe it to be a rather ineffective life tip. But they haven’t tried peanut butter shards with bananas on toast.

A rolling pin and a large piece of wax paper are required. The peanut butter should be spread out in a few spoonfuls onto the wax paper, folded in half, and then flattened into a thin slab using a rolling pin.

Freeze the Slab

After it solidifies, you can slice or break it into desired shapes, then store the individual pieces in an airtight container. While the peanut butter is still in the freezer, work quickly since it will begin to melt right away.

How to Defrost Peanut Butter

While smaller portions of peanut butter can be thawed on the countertop, pure butters run the risk of separating, so you might want to refrigerate them to defrost.

When freezing an entire jar or sizable container of peanut butter, it’s generally safer to put it on a plate and refrigerate it overnight to defrost.

Given its decreased likelihood of separating, peanut butter with added oil is generally safe to thaw on the countertop.

Unless peanut butter is to be used frozen to a recipe that you will later heat. It should not be defrosted using heat, such as in a microwave. However, you could theoretically thaw a bit in a bag in a basin of warm water if you plan to consume it right away.

After peanut butter has thawed, store it in the refrigerator. It also goes without saying that you should always throw out any food that you are unsure of when defrosting, including peanut butter!

Tips for Freezing Peanut Butter

Tips for Freezing Peanut Butter
  • If you want to freeze smaller portions of peanut butter, my suggestion is to use an ice cube tray to assist the peanut butter form and freeze more easily.
  • Freeze in tubs as opposed to glasses. Make sure that your peanut butter is in a tub or plastic jar if you intend to freeze the entire jar.
  • Glass should not be frozen because the expansion of the peanut butter will probably break it.
  • Labeling and dating any food container you put in the fridge or freezer is a fantastic idea, as always. This makes it easier for you to remember what it is and how long it has been there.
  • Using an airtight container to chill or freeze food is always a great idea. It can help keep your peanut butter from getting freezer burnt. Also stop any undesirable microorganisms from infecting your food.


To preserve great quality, the less air contact is better. Thus, be sure to deflate the freezer bags completely. I sincerely hope you have liked reading this post on freezing peanut butter and that the advice provided will be helpful if you haven’t tried freezing it yet.

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