How Long Are Cupcakes Good For

How Long Are Cupcakes Good For

Without a doubt, cupcakes are the ultimate crowd-pleaser. My bakery has been selling them off the shelves for a very long time, which is proof of how much people enjoy these delicious delicacies and how insanely popular they are.

Find out how long cupcakes last whether you make your own or purchase them from your favorite bakery. In order to keep your muffins fresh for as long as possible, this information is crucial.

Being a seasoned cook, it hurts me to watch perfectly good food be wasted. Here, I’ll give you some advice and walk you through the duration of muffin freshness.

How long are Cupcakes good for?

So, after you take them out of the oven or get them home from the bakery, how long are these sugary sweets good for? This is dependent upon several circumstances, such as whether or not you have frozen them and how you store them.

Muffins can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days. Their lifetime is reduced to 2–5 days at room temperature. Additionally, the cakes should keep for three months if you plan to store them in a freezer. You had better devour them in that time!

You can also read our guide on Cupcake sizes.

Shop-Bought Cupcakes

Because store-bought cakes contain stabilizers and preservatives, their use-by date is often 5-7 days. Although their packaging conveniently includes use-by or sell-by dates, you can usually extend their shelf life by storing them in an airtight container.

Homemade Cupcakes

Due to the lack of preservatives, cupcakes produced at home or freshly baked from your neighborhood bakery don’t last as long. It baked at home keep well in a closed container for two to three days.

When putting the cupcakes in a box after taking them out of the oven, make sure to let them cool on a wire rack. It helps prevent condensation from the trapped steam, which can turn the them mushy.

Frosted cupcakes

Depending on the kind of frosting you used, keep frosted cupcakes in a jar on the counter or in the refrigerator. This recipe for tiny chocolate cakes is so good—it freezes beautifully!

Their shelf life is shortened compared to unfrosted cupcakes because of the frosting on top.

Because the frosting can make them soggy, you can store them for one to three days before detecting a difference in taste or texture.

Unfrosted cupcakes

Muffins that haven’t frozen can be stored for up to five days in the refrigerator or on the counter in an airtight container. They will stay fresher for a little while longer than ones that have frosting because they don’t have any on top.

How to Tell If Your Cupcakes Have Gone Bad?

The last thing you want when it comes to fairy cakes is for them to go bad. Examine your cupcakes’ appearance first to see whether they’ve gone bad. The fairy cakes should be thrown out if you discover any mould, discoloration, or other indicators of spoiling. At that point, they are unsafe to consume.

Additionally, there can be certain texture or scent changes that indicate spoiling has happened. If the frosting on your cupcake is cream cheese, it should always be refrigerated. Because this kind of icing spoils easily if left out at room temperature for extended periods of time.

Refrigerating whipped cream is also necessary; it shouldn’t be kept at room temperature for longer than a few hours.

Important Tips For Storing Cupcakes

Important Tips For Storing Cupcakes

I’ve included some important storage advice for cupcakes below.

Allow Cupcakes to Cool Properly

When storing muffins, no matter which method you use, make sure they cool completely at room temperature first.

If you store them while they’re still warm, they can sweat, become misshapen, and even develop bacteria or mold.

To cool cupcakes, take them out of the oven and place them on a wire rack. Let them cool in the pan for about 10 minutes, then remove them from the pan and let them cool for another hour.

Don’t Add The Topping Too Soon

Cupcakes don’t keep very long, no matter what frosting or toppings you use. For instance, a frosting made with chocolate ganache can solidify and possibly even turn into stone. Buttercream frosting will become less creamy and drier over time.

Therefore, set aside the frosting and toppings or prepare them a few hours before serving them if you know you won’t be serving them for a day or two.

Last-minute addition of any filling

Bakers often add a filling to the center of cupcakes to make them moister and more flavorful. It’s also a fun surprise for people when they take a bite!

Common fillings are soft, like jams, custards, or flavored creams. If a muffin sits for too long, the filling can make the cake mushy and even change its color.

To avoid this, you can prepare the cupcakes by making the hole for the filling in advance and preparing the filling ahead of time.

Then, just a couple of hours before serving, add the filling and finish decorating with frosting. If you’ve already filled and assembled the cupcakes, they’re best enjoyed within a day or two.

Don’t Keep the Cupcakes Near Any Odours

Here’s a key tip for storing cakes, and it applies to any type of food storage: always keep them away from strong-smelling ingredients.

Cupcakes have a soft texture that easily picks up odors. If you store them near something like onions, they’ll end up tasting like onions.

To avoid this, always use airtight containers when storing muffins, whether they’re at room temperature, in the fridge, or in the freezer.


Your cupcakes will keep for three to seven days either at room temperature or refrigerated. If you intend to freeze them, however, attempt to devour those delicious delights before they reach the three-month threshold.

I hope these tips help you store your muffins better! If you have any more questions about cupcakes or baking in general, feel free to write me. Enjoy your fairy cakes and happy baking!

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