How Long Does Pizza Last In The Fridge?

How Long Does Pizza Last In The Fridge

Pizza is a very common food consumed by people everywhere, and nothing is more delicious than freshly baked pizza. But of course, it is only sometimes possible to eat a whole pizza at once, so it has to be reheated the next day. 

One of the most common questions is, How long pizza last in the fridge? In this blog post, I will discuss the shelf life of pizza, how long you can store it in the refrigerator, and what considerations you should consider while storing pizza.

What is The Shelf Life of Pizza In The Fridge?

If you store pizza properly in the fridge, its shelf life can increase to 3 to 4 days. It depends on the type of pizza; pizzas with toppings like cheese, pepperoni, and vegetables can be stored for 3 to 4 days. However, You can eat meat lover pizza within 2 to 3 days.

What Factors Affect the Pizza’s Shelf Life

  1. Pizza toppings affect its shelf life. Using seafood or fresh vegetables on a hot pizza can lead to quick spoilage. And the pizza that has simple cheese has a longer shelf life.
  2. How you store the pizza also increases or decreases its shelf life. If you freeze the pizza by covering it correctly, its shelf life increases. The shelf life of an uncovered pizza is usually shorter.
  3. Storing a freshly made pizza directly in the refrigerator extends its shelf life. However, its shelf life decreases if the pizza is left at room temperature before refrigeration.

Proper Pizza Storing Technique

Proper Pizza Storing Technique

By storing the pizza correctly, you can increase its shelf life. Otherwise, there are higher chances of the pizza getting spoiled:

Before storing the pizza in the fridge, cool it to room temperature. Otherwise, bacteria can be produced in the refrigerator if the pizza is kept directly.

Whenever you store the pizza, store it well by wrapping it in some aluminum foil or plastic wrap. You can also use a pizza box. To keep your pizza fresh, seal it tightly to prevent air from getting in and spoiling.

Common Signs Of Spoil Pizza

Common Signs Of Spoil Pizza

Here are some signs of bad pizza:

Unpleasant Odour

If your leftover pizza smells bad, like rotten eggs, vinegar, or spoiled foods, then this means your pizza is no longer safe to eat.

A piece of advice that you should trust your instincts on food is if something smells bad, it’s best to stay away from it.

Mold on Pizza

The first visible sign of spoilage could be mold growth, which you can identify easily. Do not eat pizza with dark green, blue, or white moldy spots on the crust, cheese, or toppings as it has spoiled.

Eating pizza that has mold can lead to food poisoning.

Unusual Colours

Pay attention to any unusual color that may appear on the pizza—for Example, a yellow spot in the cheese or black spots in the crust. 

The discolorations on this pizza indicate it is no longer safe for consumption.

Texture Changes

A new or just-baked pizza should have a hard surface with crispness and merged cheese. Common signs that indicate leftover pizza has gone bad include sogginess, sliminess, or dryness. Unpleasant taste and stickiness are also indications of spoilage.

How Can You Reheat Leftover Pizza?

I am going to tell you different methods to help you quickly reheat your pizza.

Microware method

The microwave is the fastest, though not the best, making it light and fluffy. Put the pizza slice on a plate or a piece of paper towel. Microwave high for 30 to 60 seconds until the cheese layer is melted and the pizza is perfectly reheated.

Put a mug of water in the microwave to prevent the crust from becoming too complex. It helps to make pizza steam moist. 

Toaster Oven

One of the appropriate ways to reheat pizza is by using an oven or a toaster oven since it helps retain the crust’s crispiness. First, turn on the heat and set your oven to 350°F (175°C).

Put the pizza slices on a baking pan or in the oven and bake for 5-10 minutes. Bake for about minutes until the cheese oozes out and the crust turns crunchy. 

You can use aluminum foil or a baking sheet to hold the cheese and crisp the crust.

Creative Ways To Use Leftover Pizza

Creative Ways To Use Leftover Pizza

There are many different ways to use a leftover pizza. Let me discuss my favorite recipes that I make with leftover pizza: 

Easy Pizza Omelet

Put some eggs in a bowl. Divide the leftover pizza into small parts. Put pizza pieces in the frying pan and spread the egg on it. And cook until the eggs are well cooked. This way, you can prepare a yummy egg pizza omelette.

Pizza Grilled Cheese

Take two slices of leftover pizza and put cheese in the middle. Then, put it in the pan and cook well until the pizza becomes crispy and the cheese melts.

Pizza Croutons

First of all, cut the pizza into small squares. Then, bake it in the oven until the pizza pieces become crispy. When pieces become crispy, you can use them on top of any soup or salad.


How Long Does Pizza Last in the Fridge?

You can refrigerate pizza for 3 to 4 days. After four days, the quality and taste of the pizza will start changing.

How do you Store pizza in a fridge to make it fresh?

The process of storing pizza in the fridge is very straightforward.

  1. First of all, cool the leftover pizza.
  2. Then, pack it in an airtight container. You can also use a pizza box.
  3. Lastly, keep it in the fridge. Try not to keep it at the ridge door as the temperature is too high there.

Can I Freeze Leftover pizza?

Yes, you can store leftover pizza. You can easily store it for two months, but keeping its safety measurements in mind is very important.


Eating an entire pizza in one go is hard. But with the right storing and reheating method, you can enjoy it for four days. 

It also depends on the toppings of the pizza for how long we can store it. For example, pizza made with seafood and fresh vegetables can spoil more quickly than cheese pizza.

With Leftover pizza, you can also make delicious recipes.

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