How Many Slices Are in a Loaf of Bread?

How Many Slices Are in a Loaf of Bread?

How often have you wondered if you have enough slices left in the loaf on the counter when you are in the middle of a recipe? I understand it’s not always as easy as it sounds because I’ve been there as well. Counting slices appears simple enough, until you take into account all the factors.

The good news is that I’ve measured and sliced a considerable number of bread loaves, and I can assist you in figuring it out. How many slices are in a loaf of bread? is an unusual question that many people don’t ask themselves. Perhaps you are too. But I have the answer for you.

The number of slices served is dependent upon the size of the loaf and each slice. Generally speaking, there might be anywhere from 20 to 22 slices. It really depends on the bakery or the person.

In this post, I’ll discuss the key variables that determine how many slices of bread in a loaf.

How Much Does a Slice of Bread Weigh?

A typical bread slice weighs 25–40 grams. The average weight of a commercially made piece of wheat or white bread is 38 grams. Breads with more density or weight, such as rye, sourdough, or multigrain with seeds, will have a higher weight. A piece of chewy dense bread weighs approximately 42g on average.

How Much Does a Loaf of Bread Weigh?

A typical loaf weighs approximately 566g, or one and a half pounds. In the US, an average-sized loaf of bread weighs between 20 and 22 ounces. This applies to store brands like Safeway Select or Wal-Mart Great Value as well as common white or wheat loaves like Wonder, Sare Lee, and Home Pride.

Bread Types and Number of Slices

Some of the ingredients in different bread slices make it difficult to cut smaller slices. Especially when whole grains are used, different types of bread will yield different numbers of slices.

Store-Bought Bread

When making my own sourdough or whole wheat bread, I usually aim for thinner slices in the kitchen, resulting in about 25 slices per loaf.

Not every bread loaf is made equally. Store-bought bread is typically pre-sliced, eliminating the need for guesswork. Usually, these pre-sliced loaves are divided into 20 to 22 mouthwatering slices.

As a home baker like myself, you are ultimately responsible for the slice count. You can control the thickness of your slices with those freshly baked loaves of bread.

Rye and Whole Wheat Bread

There are at least 24 slices in a typical Rye loaf. It’s easier to cut a loaf of bread thinly because it’s often denser than any of its wheat-based brethren. There are extra slices as a result. Individuals with wheat sensitivities appreciate this bread in addition to its high fiber content. Its shelf life is also longer.

A 400-gram loaf of bread has 8–10 slices. Grain milled whole wheat, either partially or fully, is used to make it. The bread slices are kept thick to reduce the amount of bread crumbs and keep them from breaking.

Key Variables That Determine Bread Slices

bread slices

Types Of Bread

The kind of bread you select will also have a major impact on how many slices you end up with. With its unique tang and dense texture, a typical loaf of sourdough bread yields about 24 pieces.

Comparably, the average number of Rye bread loaves, which are renowned for their rich, deep flavor, is likewise 1. Rye bread’s compact texture guarantees that you will receive several slices out of each loaf.

Slice Thickness

The number of bread slices in a loaf can vary greatly depending on how thick or thin the slice is. Remember, by simply varying the width of the slice, a single loaf can satisfy a multitude of culinary needs.

For a fancy brunch spread, you might want to go lighter with your slices if your goal is to create delicate, melt-in-your-mouth sandwiches or light toast points.

When looking for thin, crisp toasts to serve with my homemade jams or a fluffy egg scramble, I’ve discovered that I can easily obtain upwards of 26 pieces from one normal loaf.

Loaf size

How the bread can be sliced depends largely on its shape. Store-bought bread typically consists of rectangular loaves that are meant to be sliced uniformly each time.

On the other hand, artisan breads frequently have an oval or circular form. These loaves typically feature fewer, less evenly spaced slices. Pullman loaves are square-shaped bread that slice evenly and thinly, making them ideal for toast or sandwiches.

Tips for Slicing the Bread

  • Wipe the blade with a damp cloth between slices to remove crumbs and reduce drag.
  • Freshly baked bread should cool before slicing to avoid squishing and tearing.
  • Keeps the loaf in place and creates knife slots to help achieve uniform slices.
  • For round or oval loaves, slicing from the center outward helps maintain loaf stability and produce even slices.
  • Creates a flat, stable base, making it easier to slice the rest of the loaf evenly.
  • Before cutting, choose your preferred thickness: thinner slices for sandwiches, thicker slices for toast.


Does the type of bread affect the number of slices?

Yes, different types of bread can have different slice counts. For example, white bread often has more slices compared to denser whole grain or artisan breads.

How does the thickness of the slices affect the number of slices in a loaf?

Thicker slices mean fewer slices per loaf, while thinner slices increase the total number of slices.

What is a Pullman loaf, and how many slices does it usually have?

A Pullman loaf is a square-shaped bread often used for making uniform, thin slices. A typical Pullman loaf might have around 24 to 30 slices, depending on the thickness of the slices.

Why do artisan breads have fewer slices?

Artisan breads are often round or oval and can be more irregular in shape, leading to fewer and less even slices compared to rectangular loaves.


It is not enough to just count the number of slices in a loaf of bread. Numerous factors come into play, including the bread’s flavor and slice thickness. I hope these insights will help you get an accurate estimate of how far your bread will go. 

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