Snoogle Pastry Recipe

Snoogle Pastry Recipe

If you’ve ever had Snoogle pastry from Kiedrowski’s Bakery, you’ve probably developed a similar fondness for its mouthwatering flavor as I have. I have tasted this pastry at my friend’s house. After this, I was crazy about it and made this recipe the very next day in my house.

You can now have the same delicious delicacy at home with this recipe for Snoogle pastry! This recipe is really simple to make and calls for basic ingredients such as cream cheese, puff pastry, and a sweet glaze. Like me, you can pair it with your preferred hot beverage for a cozy and filling snack.

The best pastry I’ve ever made is Snoogle. It’s buttery, flaky, and incredibly tasty. I will tell you about the Snoogle recipe. Let’s read!

Interesting Story Behind the Snoogle Recipe

The bakery’s founders, Tim and Terri Kiedrowski, invented the delicious Snoogle dessert. In the kitchen of Kiedrowski’s Simply Delicious Bakery in Amherst, Ohio, USA, they created Snoogle. It was merely a finishing touch made with extra components from the cake.

Tim was working hard one evening to make lady locks cake, a traditional dessert from Eastern Europe that is also well-known there. Terri, her other companion, was making Danish cheese in the meantime.

Once they achieved their desired outcome, they discovered that certain ingredients remained. Rather than discarding it, the two of them constructed a new cake by combining a little bit of this and a little bit of that. And the result was a delicious cake that went on to become known as Snoogle pastry.

The proprietor of the bakery was instantly pleased with the pastry they produced, and it eventually turned out that Snoogle was a popular dish among the customers. They both still have a strong commitment to creating this cake, and they use premium ingredients to keep the flavor amazing and unrivaled.

The Snoogle pastry is a distinctive dish or snack that is entitled to trademark protection. The term “Snoogle pastry” was granted a trademark in 2011.

How to Make Snoogle Pastry

Snoogle pastry is a delectable and comforting snack that is sure to satisfy your palate.


  • Two cups of flour for all purposes
  • Half a teaspoon of salt.
  • One cup of chilled or cold butter
  • 1/4 cup of cold water

For cream filling

  • 1 cup of cream cheese
  • Half a cup of sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • One teaspoon vanilla essence


  1. Mix the salt and flour in a large mixing bowl. Add the cold butter pieces and stir. You can use your fingers or a pastry cutter, a piece of equipment, to knead this item. Press and mix until it resembles little pieces.
  1. Next, gradually incorporate chilled water and mix the dough until it comes together. Roll the prepared dough into a ball, cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for approximately half an hour or until cool.
  1. The cream filling is now prepared while we wait for the mixture to cool. Cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla should be combined in another basin and whisked until smooth and light. Once it’s smooth, whisk in each egg, one at a time.
  1. Adjust the oven temperature to 350F/175C. Get a baking sheet ready with baking paper on it.
  1. Work with the chilled dough and roll it out onto a floured board. Cut the dough into tiny squares or rectangles.
  1. Spoon each piece with a heaping scoop of cream filling, then fold into a triangle or rectangle. Press down on the edges or cover the filling with a fork.
  1. If so, place the Snoogle in the oven and bake for 20 to 25 minutes, or until the pastry on the Snoogle becomes brown.
  1. Before you get started, let them cool down a little. If you want to add even more sweetness, you can sprinkle more powdered sugar on top.

Important Tips and Suggestions

snoogle pastry
  • When preparing the dough, make sure your water and butter are both cool. Using cold ingredients promotes flaky dough.
  • Don’t overmix the dough when stirring. Overmixing may result in a tough texture rather than a flaky one. Mix until everything is well combined.
  • Before rolling out the dough, place it in the refrigerator for at least half an hour. The gluten becomes more pliable and simpler to work with as a result.
  • Pinch the edges of the pastry tightly as you wrap it around the filling. To make sure that it is securely shut, you can press down on it with a fork.
  • Though the original Snoogle contains sweet cream, don’t be afraid to experiment. Try experimenting with other fillings, such as chocolate, fruit preserves, or even savory items.
  • Take care not to put too much cream cheese filling inside the pastry strips. To prevent spills and guarantee that the filling stays inside the pastry while it bakes, a thin covering is sufficient.
  • Make an effort to cut the pastry dough into shapes that are all the same size. They bake more evenly as a result.
  • Puff pastry should be refrigerated until needed. This keeps it more structurally sound and gives it a flakier, puffier texture when cooked.
  • Let the pastries cool somewhat before sprinkling the glaze with butter. The glaze may melt too quickly and run off the sides of the pastries if they are overheated.

How Should I Serve This?

Even though Snoogle pastries are great on their own, you can improve their presentation by presenting them with different sides. Consider the following options:

Fresh Fruit:

Accompany your Snoogle pastries with a portion of fresh fruit, like banana slices, strawberries, or raspberries. The freshness and inherent sweetness of the fruit balance the pastry’s richness.

Whipped Cream:

The creamy Snoogle filling can be contrasted with a light and airy touch with a dab of freshly whipped cream. It’s a traditional combination for desserts and pastries.

Ice Cream:

You may make a delicious dessert pair with your Snoogle pastries and a scoop of vanilla or your favorite ice cream. The chilly ice cream and warm pastry provide a striking contrast.

Chocolate Sauce:

For an added layer of decadence, drizzle some warm chocolate sauce over your Snoogle pastries. Sweet cream and chocolate go together like paradise. It’s one of my favorite ways to savor a Snoogle pastry.

Caramel Sauce:

A drizzle of caramel sauce over the pastries can provide a rich, buttery sweetness that complements the cream filling just right.

Coffee or Tea:

Savor your hot tea or coffee with your Snoogle pastry. The sweetness of the pastry can be complemented by the warmth and taste of the drink.

See also: Ballerina Farm Sourdough Bread Recipe


All you need are a few simple ingredients and techniques to make pastries that can compete with any of the best bakeries. The combination of sweet cream, chocolate, and caramel sauce elevates the flavor profile of your Snoogle pastries to a whole new level.

So get your ingredients, get your cooking gloves on, and set out on a delicious journey that will have you wanting more.

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